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EFAP Alumni : Executive Director US Branch - Sud de France Développement

Marianne FABRE-LANVIN, Diplômée EFAP New York Promotion 2007, Executive Director US Branch pour Sud de France Développement.

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I am Marianne FABRE-LANVIN, I graduated with a Master of Arts in Media Management at EFAP New York in 2007.

What are your missions ?

Sud de France and the "Maison de la Région Occitanie" in the US is here to help businesses from the Occitanie region to develop their activities on the US and Canada Market. We do a lot of commercial prospecting, we organize events, trade shows and we do a lot of PR as well. We give them advice if they want to create a branch in the US.

Why did you choose EFAP New York ?

Wherever you are going to work, whether it is in South America, Europe, Asia or elsewhere, people will value your diploma, your master's degree coming from the US. It has an international recognition. I decided to go for the master program at EFAP because they're partnering with NYIT so it made it really easy for me to come and study in the US. 

What are the strengths of the program ?

Beyond the quality of the classes that I took at EFAP, I got some valuable knowledge about the media environment in the US which you don't get if you study abroad. What was very precious was the opportunity to take internships in companies that are either famous or prestigious. The first internship I had thanks to EFAP was an internship at the UN as a journalist and an events person. It was an incredible experience. After I had my masters of Art in Media Management, I was able to work in the US for a year thanks to the OPT (Optional Practical Training).

Was studying in New York an added value ? 

That was a treat to study in New York city because it is a wonderful city where you get exposed to so much when it comes to media, entertainment, news, ... Everything feels like you study in the center of the world. I think everybody should have in mind that New York is a brand also ... So when New York appears on your resume, it's already a plus and a big plus wherever you go and work in the world. 



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