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EFAP New York

EFAP Students Program

Summer Academy: From the 1st to 4th year

All students, starting their first year and for the rest of their studies, can follow English classes in New York for two of four weeks in July.

NYIT offers an immersive two or four week summer academy program that combines intensive English courses with opportunities to experience NYC culture, food and people.

Targeted support services and on-going cultural and social programs help international students to adapt to multicultural life in NYC.

  • 2 or 4 weeks in July
  • 18 hours of English per week + cultural activities + 1 experiential seminar
  • A visa is not required for French passport holders, but it is mandatory to obtain an entry permit (ESTA valid for 2 years)
  • Housing in student housing + 3 meals per day
  • Subway card
  • Transportation from & to the airport

For more information and to apply:


Semester in New-York: In 2nd, 3rd and 4th year

All students, as of their second year, can opt for a semester in New York.

Students already enrolled for at least one year in one of our schools are eligible to come to EFAP NY for one semester.
It is a great opportunity for students to better understand the communication practices of a global market, develop their English skills and enhance their curriculum with a professional experience in the US.

They benefit from a program "à la carte" guided by a faculty of specialists with stellar industry experience and contacts. All the credits earned during the semester are transferred to their school of origin.

Students have also the option to pursue a minor in Graphic Design: 1 class of English + 5 classes in Digital Art & Design.

Samples of course selection:

  • Digital Marketing/Sales Management/Principles of Management/New Product Development/Management of Promotion/Organizational Behavior
  • Computer Graphics I/Design Principles/Art History/Digital Photography/Typography/Shape and Color/Drawing I/Concept & Visual Storytelling

In brief:

  • From September to December or from January to May
  • Classes 100% in English
  • Optional internship per semester – 2 days/week
  • Marketing or digital courses + English courses

For more information and to apply:

Admission requirements

  • To have a TOEFL score of at least 80 (Internet Based Test) or a DUOLINGO score of at least 105.
  • To have a GPA of at least 12/20 over the last 4 years of study

Bachelor Program : Year 4

EFAP students who have completed their first 3 years of study at EFAP have the unique opportunity to obtain the American "Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies" degree in their 4th year, in just two semesters.

This unique Bachelor’s degree offers the option to design a multifaceted program with 3 concentrations: Communication/Business/Digital Art & Design.

Compulsory classes:

  • 3 courses of English
  • 1 capstone seminar

Samples of courses "à la carte":

  • Digital Marketing/Sales Management/Principles of Management/New Product Development/Management of Promotion/Organizational Behavior
  • Computer Graphics I/Design Principles/Art History/Digital Photography/Typography/Shape and Color/Drawing I/Concept & Visual Storytelling

In brief:

  • 2 semesters : September to December & January to May
  • 4 courses in Marketing/Management & Digital Art & Design + 1 course of English / semester
  • Classes 100% in English
  • American Diploma (=BAC+4)

For more information and to apply:

Admission requirements

  • To have a TOEFL score of at least 80 (Internet Based Test) or a DUOLINGO score of at least 105.
  • To have a GPA of at least 12/20 over the last 4 years of study

MASTER (year 5) : Master of Arts in UX/UI Design & Development

The Master of Arts in UX/UI Design & Development offers the cutting-edge conceptual design methods and technical skills to become the visual storytellers, communication designers and entrepreneurs of tomorrow. This innovative program fosters students’ creativity, develops their user experience, design-thinking and collaborative skills and connects them to a faculty of specialists with unparalleled industry experience and connections throughout the world.

Students must earn 30 US credits (60 ECTS) in one academic year (2 semesters): Fall semester (from September to December), Spring semester (from January to May).

For more information and to apply:


Double diploma

In 5th year, several programs are offered: a Joint Graduate Program between EFAP and the NYIT’s School of Management (100% in English).

Our participants will be offered a structured sequence of communication and marketing courses taught in English in two different countries: France and the US, each with a distinctive culture and set of business practices.

2 phases over a 12-month period:

  • Phase 1: EFAP Paris/Bordeaux/Lille/Lyon - from September to December
  • Phase 2: NYIT (School of Management) - from January to August

Admission requirements

  • To have a TOEFL score of at least 80 (Internet Based Test) or a DUOLINGO score of at least 105.
  • To have a GPA of at least 13/20 over the last 4 years of study

4 possibilities offering a course in New York as part of the 5th year:

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